Educational dynamics
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The reform of high-quality vocational education evaluation will promote the construction of a powerful education country

General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that building a strong education country is a strategic precursor to building a strong modern socialist country in an all-round way, an important support for achieving self-reliance in high-level science and technology, an effective way to promote common prosperity for all the people, and a basic project for comprehensively promoting the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation through Chinese-style modernization。Vocational education, as a type of education, has distinct characteristics of The Times and undertakes the historical mission and responsibility of education power。The quality development of vocational education and the improvement of the quality of personnel training are eternal themes,The reform of vocational education evaluation plays an important role in the construction and development of education power in the new era,It is not only related to the improvement and development of vocational education system,Moreover, it has a far-reaching impact on improving the ability of vocational education to adapt to the new development pattern and training high-quality technical talents。

Develop diverse evaluation content

Support the connotative development of vocational education

The content of vocational education evaluation is the soul and main body of carrying out the reform of educational evaluation, and actively reforming and establishing more scientific and reasonable vocational education evaluation content is conducive to improving the social recognition of vocational education, training more high-quality and skilled talents in line with the needs of the industry and the industry, and promoting the realization of conformal development goals。

Improve the evaluation standard of "double-qualified" teachers and stimulate the vitality of teachers' education。The construction of the teacher team is an important support and guarantee for the high-quality development of vocational education, and the evaluation reform of the "double-qualified" teacher team of vocational education in the new era is an important guarantee for realizing the fundamental goal of cultivating talents。Establish the identification standards for "double qualified" teachers, open up the channels and approaches for the identification of professional qualification certificates and teachers' professional qualifications, and provide guarantee and support for the training of "double qualified" teachers。Strengthen the construction of "double-qualified" teachers, emphasize the assessment of professional teaching ability and practical skills, break the phenomenon of "only academic degree" and "only paper" evaluation of teachers, pay attention to the cultivation of teachers' own skill level and teaching ability, and truly realize the goal of teaching and educating people。Establish diversified evaluation criteria for "double-qualified" teachers, comprehensively consider practical teaching skills, teaching and educating effectiveness, scientific research achievements, etc., evaluate and assess teachers from various aspects, and provide personalized promotion and training channels for teachers' career development。

Establish a professional dynamic evaluation and monitoring system to improve the adaptation of vocational education to industrial needs。As a type of education, vocational education is closely related to the actual development of industry。On the one hand,Vocational colleges should strengthen discipline and specialty planning,According to their own characteristics and market demand,To make plans for the development of disciplines,Clear development goals, priorities and measures,And the subject professional development plan is introduced into the evaluation criteria,Subject specialty as the carrier,Conduct evaluations that are closely related to industry needs,In order to achieve the professional standards and industry demand standards, industry development standards in line with the evaluation reform goals。On the other hand,With the industrial revolution and intelligent revolution caused by artificial intelligence and big data,The type of talent demand and ability requirements change rapidly,The reform of educational evaluation guides the direction of personnel training,因此,In-depth practical research,According to the needs of industrial transformation, industry development demand cycle,Constantly adjust the evaluation standards of vocational education,To realize the coordinated development of the training process of highly skilled personnel and industrial needs。

Optimize multiple evaluation methods

We will promote the development of high-quality vocational colleges with Chinese characteristics

Evaluation method is the key factor in the reform of vocational education evaluation. Vocational colleges choose the mode that meets their own development needs according to the diversified evaluation method, and play the role of continuously optimizing the characteristic development of vocational colleges。

Establish a diversified evaluation index system and examination methods。The attributes of vocational education, such as "type", "occupation" and "skill", determine that diversified evaluation methods should be adopted in the evaluation process to improve the scientificity and objectivity of evaluation。First, it is based on local industrial characteristics, industry characteristics and institutional characteristics,Enrich the existing evaluation index system,Break the disadvantages of relying only on a single quantitative index evaluation,More qualitative indicators will be included in the evaluation system,Such as students' comprehensive quality, on-the-job assessment, vocational skills training, teachers' teaching level, school cultural atmosphere and so on,Promote the evaluation results to be more comprehensive, objective and accurate。Second, starting from the characteristics of vocational colleges, more evaluation methods, such as observation, interview, questionnaire and work display, are introduced instead of the traditional written examination and other single evaluation methods, so as to achieve a more comprehensive understanding of students' learning situation and constantly improve the pertinence and effectiveness of evaluation。

Encourage multiple subjects such as industries and enterprises to actively participate in the evaluation。Vocational education is a kind of education with cross-border attributes, and has a natural connection with industry, industry and enterprise. In the process of vocational education evaluation reform, it cannot be separated from the participation of multiple subjects。The first is to establish a reward mechanism for enterprises and industries to participate in vocational education evaluation reform at the policy and institutional level, stimulate enterprises to deeply participate in the process of school textbook development, curriculum design, professional construction and internship training, and introduce enterprises and industries into all aspects of evaluation reform system construction。The second is to introduce enterprise assessment standards, industry occupational standards, post employment standards, etc. into the education evaluation system, and fully consider the occupational post needs of the job market in the design process of the evaluation index system, so as to open up the docking of student evaluation on campus with enterprise standards。The third is to establish a system of access and qualification certification for participation in the reform of vocational education evaluation,It is necessary to clarify the time and number of years that have been involved in school-enterprise cooperation, integration of production and education, and on-the-job internship and training,And maintain good evaluation and credit in long-term interaction with vocational colleges,He has many years of experience in participating in the construction of vocational education curriculum system, teaching model reform and textbook development,We will improve the quality of the participation of enterprises, industries and other diverse subjects in the reform of vocational education evaluation。

Continuous improvement of the evaluation mechanism

We will strengthen the construction of quality assurance systems in vocational colleges

The reform mechanism of vocational education evaluation plays a role in ensuring the quality of evaluation. The continuous optimization and improvement of the evaluation mechanism will help improve the evaluation effect of vocational colleges and promote the construction and perfection of the quality assurance system of vocational colleges。

We will introduce a digital evaluation system to improve the effectiveness of school-enterprise cooperation and the integration of industry, universities and research institutes。The participation of industries and enterprises in the vocational education system is an important part of the high-quality development of vocational education. In the reform of vocational education evaluation, we should focus on the effectiveness of school-enterprise cooperation and the deep integration of industry, university and research。First, students participate in the practice and training mostly outside the practice base, enterprises and schools, and use digital technology to establish the evaluation of the practice process and constantly summarize the evaluation effect, so as to achieve the goal of school-enterprise cooperation in educating people。The second is to use the digital evaluation system to record the learning process and practical operation process of students at any time, so as to realize the automatic analysis function of process learning data, so as to finally realize the comprehensive evaluation and guidance of the learning process。The third is to conduct digital supervision of school-enterprise cooperation and industry-university-research cooperation mode, and constantly optimize the cooperation mode and adjust the school-enterprise cooperation mode by analyzing the data of students' learning process。

The separation of management, operation and evaluation ensures the independence of evaluation。Improving government efficiency, fully stimulating the vitality of vocational colleges and introducing multi-party participation are important contents of comprehensively deepening the comprehensive reform in the field of vocational education。In the reform of vocational education evaluation, the administrative department of education should give full play to the role of macro policy control, policy guidance, condition support and school-running resources guarantee, help vocational colleges to choose suitable evaluation methods and contents, and promote the type and characteristic development of vocational colleges。At the same time, as the main body of the school, vocational colleges adhere to the fundamental goal of moral education and education, and fully implement the main position of the school。In the process of vocational education evaluation,The evaluation led by administrative departments and vocational colleges has shifted to the third party evaluation,Administrative departments play the role of overall control and directional guidance,Vocational colleges and third-party evaluation agencies jointly develop evaluation standards and methods,Implementation and development of evaluation work,It is independently completed by a third party evaluation agency,Ensure the scientific and fair evaluation results,To realize the positive interaction between "management, management and evaluation"。

(Author: Li Xinru, Beijing Institute of Education Supervision and Evaluation)

(From Modern Higher Vocational and Technical Education Network, information source: China Education Daily, July 2, 2024)