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Zhou Bo visited and consoled teachers at Liaoning Jiaotong College

September 10th is the 40th Teachers' Day。On the morning of the same day, Zhou Bo, chairman of the Provincial Political Consultative Conference, came to Liaoning Jiaotong College to visit the frontline teaching staff and extend holiday greetings and sincere wishes to the teachers and educators who work hard in the education front in our province。


Cycle inLiaoning Provincial College of CommunicationsSchool history museum visited and investigated。

Zhou Bo visited the training center of Mechanical and electrical Engineering Department of Liaoning Jiaotong College。

Zhou Bo visited the training center of Road and Bridge Engineering Department of Liaoning Transportation College。

Liaoning Communications College was founded inIn 1951, it was the first highway traffic specialized school in New China, and was selected as one of the first demonstration schools of national higher vocational education. It has trained 110,000 advanced technical applied talents in total。At the beginning of the new term, the campus is full of vigor and vitality。Zhou Bo came to the school History Hall, the Training Center of the Department of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, the Training Center of the Department of Road and Bridge Engineering, the Liaoning Jiaotong University - Huawei ICT College, the Training Center of the School-Enterprise Co-construction and Sharing of Automobile Industry and Education Integration, and the Police Officer Management College and other places to listen to the school's education and teaching progress and learn about the school's history and teaching achievements。"Everyone worked hard, I wish you a happy holiday!"Zhou Bo sent holiday wishes to the teachers who were preparing their lessons。He walked into the teaching building to see the teaching hardware facilities and observe the teaching activities,In the training base to watch the teachers and students to carry out skills training,To have an in-depth understanding of the construction of the school's teaching staff, teaching reform and innovation, the integration of production and education, and the training of skilled personnel,It also asked about the guarantee of teachers' benefits, students' living conditions and employment in detail。

Cycle inLiaoning Jiaozhuan University- Huawei ICT Academy走访调研

Zhou Bo visited and investigated the training center of production and education integration of school-enterprise shared cars。

Zhou Bo visited the Police Sergeant Management College。

周波指出,近年来,全省广大教师和教育工作者认真学习贯彻习近平总书记关于教育的重要论述,全面贯彻党的教育方针,呕心沥血,默默耕耘,为党和人民事业培养了大批优秀人才。当前,It is an important stage for Liaoning to realize comprehensive revitalization and write a chapter of Chinese-style modern Liaoning,It is hoped that teachers and educators in the province will be firm in their political direction,Keep in mind the original mission of educating people for the Party and educating talents for the country,Vigorously promote the spirit of educators,Stick to the three-foot podium,Devote yourself to teaching,To be the teacher of faith, the teacher of noble morality, the teacher of exquisite knowledge, the teacher of love and music,With a more energetic and promising mental state, we will devote ourselves to the construction of a strong education country and a strong education province,To train more socialist builders and successors with all-round development of morality, intelligence, physical fitness, the United States and labor for the country,In order to promote the practice of Chinese-style modernization in Liaoning, more talents can be used and can shoulder heavy responsibilities,We will make new contributions to education that the people are satisfied with。