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The school organized party members and cadres to visit the theme exhibition of "Clean Charm and refreshing Breeze" of Chinese excellent traditional clean culture

为深入学习贯彻习近平总书记关于加强新时代廉洁文化建设的重要论述,贯彻落实二十届中央纪委三次全会精神,持续巩固党纪学习教育成果,94On the afternoon of the school leadership team members, middle-level cadres70Yu Ren went to visit Liaoning Provincial MuseumPure charm and fresh breeze——The fine traditional Chinese culture of integritySpecial exhibition。

The exhibition is sponsored by the Discipline Inspection Commission of Liaoning Province, the Publicity Department of Liaoning Provincial Party Committee, and the Department of Culture and Tourism of Liaoning Province, with collections from Liaoning Provincial Museum, Liaoning Provincial Library, Shaanxi History Museum, Gansu Provincial Museum and other collection units87Pieces (groups) of cultural relics as the main line, divided into clean word tracing, clean for the government, clean to stand on the body, integrity, supporting goods5The three parts show the historical origin, development context, ideological essence and distinctive characteristics of the excellent traditional Chinese clean culture。

During the study and visit, under the guidance and explanation of the docents, through watching the exhibits, we felt the incorruptness of the cultural relics, and through the praise of the ancient sages and honest officials, we felt the incorruptness and wisdom of the millennium。By reviewing the excellent traditional Chinese culture of integrity, Party members have a more profound and intuitive understanding of the Chinese nation's persistent pursuit and profound heritage of integrity for thousands of years。The rich cultural relic resources in the exhibition provide a heavy ideological and cultural heritage for Party members and cadres to cultivate their integrity, stop greed and desire, and diligently discipline themselves。

History is known by light, and the present by examining the past。This study and visit look back at history through cultural relics, so that party members and cadres have a deep understanding of the essence of Chinese traditional culture, such as Chongde and clean, clean and pass down the family。The majority of party members and cadres have said,In the future, we should continue to study and understand the content and requirements of honesty and discipline,Adhere to self-respect, self-examination, self-warning, self-encouragement,Often cultivate the virtues of government, often think of the harm of greed, and always have a heart of self-discipline,To be a clean man, clean work,Take the lead in strengthening the awareness of discipline rules,Take the lead in safeguarding the seriousness and authority of Party rules and discipline,Take concrete actions to promote the formation of a good atmosphere of compliance with regulations and discipline and clean air。

Primary school: Fan Yaming

Review and recalibration: Luga

Final judgment: Zhou Yuanyuan